
Dear Reader! Welcome! 🙂

If you have read my blog post The Beginning… you already pretty much know where this is heading… But in case you haven’t let me catch you up to speed:

  • This blog is a documentation of my experiment at living a lifestyle that will allow my husband and me to retire early (become financially independent) – I know this sounds like we are either crazy or super wealthy but we are neither. Seriously, go check out The Beginning…  it explains everything (including the name of this blog).

There are two three main sections:

  1. The Journey: the blog posts/musings/random stories/my grappling with concepts
  2. The Numbers: an honesty numbers section where I ashamedly/proudly let you know how it’s all going
  3. Brat Travels: an attempt at providing user-friendly summaries of our travels (what we did, how much time we had, what we spent etc)… to date there is only one post but we live in hope 🙂

I have also started a Financial Vocab 101 section for those who, like me, know absolutely nothing about the financial world and it’s vocabulary. This section also includes early retirement/financial independence vocabulary.

Lastly, please check out My Experts for a list of other blogs that are (unwittingly!) guiding me though all this, as well as a growing list of resources that might be helpful if you are interested in trying your own Brat Experiment 🙂

Oh, and I know nothing about the technicalities of setting up a blog so that is also all an experiment…

Feel free to comment/like/share! I would love your feedback! And would love to connect with fellow attempters trying to reach their own early retirement/financial independence and those gurus who already have 🙂



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