Brat Travels

At this stage (the stage of not being retired!) time is the most limiting factor for us when we travel. I’m constantly torn between my inner I’m-so-excited-I-want-to-see-and-experience-EVERYthing and the very real need to actually relax and rest it up.

When researching our options for the summer vacation that’s just passed I stumbled on some great blogs that:

  • gave a brief outline of how long they had to travel
  • how they used their time (e.g. how long it took to get places, what they saw, what they did, what they prioritized etc)
  • and how much money they spent

SO user friendly and helpful 🙂 So I thought that I would do the same here 🙂

You can also think of this as my “optimist page” because I’m starting a whole page here when I only have one travel adventure to report on so far! Although I suppose I could write about the travelling we did before The Brat Experiment…
